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Activate Lemon’s Hidden Cancer and Inflammation Fighting Powers By FREEZING Them Like This

Citrus fruits are packed with great nutrients and amazing health benefits. Each variety has its own power, and lemons are an absolute favorite. You may know much about lemons and their healing properties, but we bet that you do not know them all.
Here is some scientific information:
“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.”
Medical News Today provides a thorough list of benefits you can enjoy by consuming lemons. We give you a closer look at this list, and hopefully you will determine the aspect in which lemons can help you:
Stronger immunity
Lemons inhibit asthma
Healthy complexion
Decreased risk of stroke
Higher absorption of iron
Keep in mind that by using your lemons whole, with their peel on, you can enjoy the maximum of their benefits.
All you need to do is buy some organic lemons and store them in your freezer. In this way you have your lemons ready for whatever you may use them. Just grate them over your homemade soup, healthy ice cream or salad.
Lemon ice cubes are another excellent way of using lemons and maximizing their benefits. Here is how to make them:
Blend a few lemons and you can always add some water to loosen their consistency. Once you get them nice and smooth, transfer your lemon purée into ice cube trays and keep them in your freezer.
Lemon ice cubes are super handy and dumping them in a glass of water may be the easiest way to have more citruses in your diet. Add a few ice cubes to your favorite dish or use them to give your smoothie a citrusy note.
These are fun ways of using lemons in service of your health. Now you can prevent various ailments and inflammation. Having more lemons in your diet provides a higher immunity boost, and it is an all-natural treatment!

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